kosovo powder coating line aluminium profile
kosova powder coating line for art aluminium kosovo powder coating system line for aluminium

Art Aluminium / Prishtinë Kosovo

Horizontal powder coating line for aluminum profiles, with speed up to 2,50 m/min
Plastic quick color change system powder coating booth, Wagner EPX powder center and Wagner automatic powder coating equipments

bulgaria powder coating line aluminium profile
bulgaria shumen powder coating line for art aluminium bulgaria powder coating system line

Viplam Eood / Shumen

Transfer type powder coating line

serbia powder coating line
srbija powder coating line srbija powder coating system line for aluminium

Advea Doo / Veliko Gradište

Transfer type manual powder coating line

kuwait powder coating line aluminium profile
kuwait powder coating line for aluminium kuwait powder coating system line for aluminium

Easa Husain Al Yousifi & Sons Co for General Trading / Kuwait

Transfer type powder coating line for aluminum profiles and aluminium products

azerbaijan oven for teflon polymerization
azerbaijan powder coating polymerization teflon azerbaijan teflon cure oven system

SBS Offshore / Baku Azerbaijan

Teflon curing oven
Max. Temp 450'C

bulgaria oven for polymerization
bulgaria powder coating polymerization bulgaria powder coating oven system

Waverest Ltd / Smolyan Bulgaria

Polymerization oven
Max. Temp 220'C

srbija batocina powder coating line aluminium profile
srbija powder coating line for aluminium serbia powder coating system line for aluminium

Aluroll Doo / Batočina 

Transfer type manual powder coating line for aluminum profiles

powder coating line morocco
morocco powder coating morocco powder coating plant system

Sozalma SARL / El Jadida Maroc

Transfer type powder coating plant for aluminum profiles

powder coating line bangladesh
bangladesh powder coating bangladesh powder coating plant system

Sajan Metal Industries Ltd. / Bangladesh

Bar transfer system powder coating line and automatic powder coating system

pickling cabinet bulgaria
pickling room bulgaria pickling chamber bulgaria

Multivac Bulgaria

Pickling cabinet for cleaning inox work pieces

automatic powder coating for gas cylinders egypt
horizontal powder coating line for lpg bottles cylinders egypt automatic gas bottle cylinder powder coating line

Petroleum Gas Co. Petrogas / Cairo Egypt

Automatic powder coating line for gas cylinders, automatic Gema powder coating equipment system.
Nominal conveyor speed 3,0 m/min

automatic powder coating for aluminum profiles bosnia bih
horizontal powder coating line for aluminium bosnia aluminium powder coating line automatic

Soldo Metali d.o.o. / Široki Brijeg Bosnia and Herzegovina

Horizontal powder coating line for aluminum profiles, automatic power&free conveyor and tunnel type powder coating curing oven
Horizonal conveyor speed 3,0 m/min

powder coating for generator canopies nigeria
lagos nigeria powder coating line for generators powder coating line  for generators in nigeria

JMG Nigeria Limited
Lagos / Nigeria

Continuous automatic powder coating line for generator canopies

powder coating for aluminum profiles morocco
peinture epoxy maroc casablanca maroc peinture epoxy aluminium

IMALUM Industrie Marocaine D'Aluminium / Casablanca, Morocco

Horizontal powder coating line for aluminum profiles, power&free conveyor and antistatic quick color change plastic powder coating booth, Fully automatic powder coating system, conveyor speed 4,0 m/min

horizontal powder coating aluminum profiles
automatic powder coating line aluminium profile transfer type automatic powder coating line

Aluminum Systems and Constructions / Beograd, Serbia

Horizontal powder coating line for aluminum profiles, bar transfer type conveyor line with plastic fast quick color changeable PVC powder coating booth, 
Fully automatic electrostatic powder coating system,

powder coating for expansion vessels
automatic powder coating line expansion tanks and vessels pressure tanks automatic powder coating line

KBS Kartal Bombe Sanayi / Gebze, Turkey

Powder coating line for expansion tanks and pressure vessels for max. 500 lt volume, 
Fully automatic powder coating line

automatic-powder-coating-line-romania romania-fence-panel-powder-coating-line

Sîrme Şi Cabluri S.A. / Hârșova Romania

Continuous automatic powder coating line for fence panels and wire products with automatic iron phosphate chemical pretreatment process
Conveyor speed 1,50 m/min  

infrared gelling oven
powder coating IR gelling oven gelling preheating oven powder coating line aluminum profile

FEAL d.o.o Široki Brijeg / Bosna i Hercegovina

Infrared gelling oven for aluminum profiles powder coating, catalytic gas system

powder coating metal furniture chair table
powder coating line for furniture metal metal furniture painting line

Wood Team d.o.o. / Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bar transfer type powder coating line for metal furniture components

powder coating on expansion tanks and vessels
powder coating line for expansion tanks and vessels pressure vessel automatic powder coating line

KBS Kartal Bombe Sanayi / Gebze, Turkey

Powder coating line for expansion tanks and pressure vessels between 500-10.000 lt volume, 
Conveyorized step by step system

automatic thermo plastic coating system
automatic thermoplastic powder liquid coating line thermoplastic automatic line

Abd Elhamid for Engineering Industries / 10th of Ramadan City, Cairo Egypt

Liquid and powder thermoplastic coating system for wire shelves and baskets and wire products, step by step fully automatic conveyorized line

horizontal aluminum profile powder coating line
automatic powder coating chrome free pretreatment

De Poorter Aluminium / Meulebeke Belgium

Bar transfer system horizontal powder coating line for aluminum profiles
Chrome-free dip pretreatment system

industrial combined liquid spray booth
combined liquid spray booth combined spraybooth

Desen Kimya Metal Kumlama ve Yaş Boyama / Çorlu Turkey

Industrial combined liquid spray booths, 
3 spraybooths  with sizes L15 W5 H5m each
for primer, middle layer and top coat

industrial liquid spray booth
liquid spray booth industrial spraybooth

Web-Tech Ltd. Plovdiv/ Bulgaria

Industrial type enclosed liquid spray booth, positive pressurized

powder-coating-expansion-tank2 powder-coating-expansion-tank3

Litson Genleşme / Gebze Kocaeli Turkey

Step by step powder coating line for expansion tanks

automatic-powder-coating-booth powder-coating-electrical-panels

Tripoli Libya

Continuous automatic powder coating line for electrical panels and enclosures

conveyorized powder coating line
powder coating oven powder coating booth

Sarl Triplesafe / Batna Algeria

Continuous powder coating line for steel furniture

powder-coating-wood-effect powder-coating-profiles-sublimation

Kuwait Steel for Steel&Aluminium Works
Al Jahra / Kuwait

Bar transfer powder coating line for aluminum profiles

Wood effect oven for aluminum profiles and sheets

powder-coating-containers powder-coating-containers1

Kain Group / Ghazieh Lebanon

Step by step conveyorised powder & liquid painting line for garbage containers

powder-coat-conveyor-oven powder-coat-electric-oven

Boa Makina / Antalya Turkey

Bar transfer powder coating system for agricultural machinery

chromate-pretreatment-system dip-dry-off-oven

Polvo Metal / Istanbul Turkey

Bar transfer powder coating system for aluminum profiles with chromate dip pretreatment line

powder-coat-line2 powder-coat-line3

Paktaş Platform A.Ş. / Başiskele Kocaeli Turkey

Conveyorised step by step powder coating line for vehicle platforms, up to 2 ton weight

Combined liquid spray booth

powder coating line for steel furniture
powder coating curing oven powder booth

Sarl Exosafe / Batna Algeria

Conveyorised powder coating line for metal furniture

phosphate automatic pretreatment line
 automatic pretreatment line phosphate automatic pretreatment

Apaydın Metal A.Ş. / Merzifon Amasya Turkey

Automatic pretreatment system, Tunnel type dry-off oven and Cardan conveyor

liquid-spray-booth2 liquid-spray-booth3

Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş./ Gebze Kocaeli Turkey

Telescopic liquid spray booth


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